Recording the human relationship with rivers

Why Audio?

Audio can capture history, stories, diverse perspectives, and emotion all while leaving vivid imagery to the imagination. Let us help you tell your story!

Why contract with Reading Water?

The boating lingo, “Reading Water” is the process of blending learned experiences with the careful observation and study of the environment to navigate downstream. Similarly, we blend ways of knowing water to further watershed literacy.

“Samara uses her inherent knowledge of river culture meshed with modern research to extrapolate the story that is shared by the river and the human. The River Radius has gained excellent content in a very smooth process from working with Samara and Reading Water.”  

Sam Carter

Host & Founder

River Radius Podcast

Photo by A. Charbo

“The way we relate to water is not inevitable. And in fact, our infrastructure, our laws for allocation, our striving for control are amplifying these [water] problems. By asking, ‘What does water want?’ water detectives are working from a philosophy rooted in curiosity, respect, and humility”

- Erica Gies from Water Always Wins


let’s leverage the power

of Story.